Tuesday Speaker Series On YouTube: Brent Cassity

Author, Public Speaker, Host of Nightmare Success Podcast

We were honored to have Brent Cassity as our March speaker in our White Collar Support Group™ Tuesday Speaker Series. You will find the video below!

Brent Cassity is an engaging storyteller that has a real-life transformational story. Everyone has built up prisons in their minds. Brent loves speaking to audiences about the 5 strategies he used to survive prison. These tools are excellent to use for your life and business!

Brent is the author of the Book Nightmare Success: Loyalty, Betrayal, Life Behind Bars, Adapting, And Finally Breaking Free: A Memoir. He is the host of the popular podcast Nightmare Success In and Out. He is energized about his new Non-Profit Reentry Company, Nightmare Success Solutions. Brent was a CEO of Forever Enterprises, a national family company, which he grew from a regional company to operating in 22 states. He has been recognized by the national media; TIME, CNN, FORTUNE, Forbes, WALL STREET JOURNAL, cover story of ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT to name a few. HBO even did a documentary The Young and the Dead that spawned the popular HBO Series Six Feet Under.

Just when he thought he had it all, he lost it all and found himself standing at the Gates of Leavenworth to serve a 5-year sentence. What happens when your worst fear becomes your reality? He has coined the phrase “Nightmare Success” because everything you want is on the other side of fear. How did the one thing that Brent most feared…the one thing he said would never happen to him…happen?

To reach Brent Cassity: bdc@brentcassity.com

Brent Cassity is a member of the Ministry’s White Collar Support Group™ that meets every Monday evening on Zoom.

We highly recommend Brent Cassity’s podcast, Nightmare Success, in which he interviews justice-impacted people from all walks of life. He is a White Collar Support Group™ member with a mission to be of service to our community. Please check it out on Spotify or on your favorite podcast platform.